Pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy

This store has a rather strange health and beauty setup, consisting of several extremely short aisles tacked on to the end of the adjacent grocery aisles. I've occasionally seen vaguely similar setups at other Safeways, but never with quite such comically short aisles! The decor over here is interesting, with original Lifestyle v1 oversized oval category markers (which I don't believe were ever a particularly common element) and word collage-based shelf-toppers that I'm guessing are from the Sobeys era (since word collages seem to have really come into popularity in the mid 2010s, not the early 2000s). This store's signs say "Pharmacy" rather than "Pharmacy Area", but it still has those weird signs all along the perimeter of the health and beauty department and they appear to be from the Lifestyle v1 era, so whatever rule those are related to (which I haven't been able to find anything about online) mustn't be a new thing.


  1. Huh, I wonder if this is the pharmacy area? Lol, I guess they felt like sparing no expense putting up pharmacy signs! Those oval category markers are quite strange. I know Proto-Lifestyle/Lifestyle v1 kind of had an oval thing going on, but those markers do seem a bit large for the task. I guess they do work though!

    What's up with all the boxes on the top of the aisles in the background? Sobeys must think they are Kroger, lol.

    1. Yeah, those signs seem to be some sort of weird Vancouver or BC requirement, but I haven't been able to find specifics!

      I think those giant category markers are some sort of early Lifestyle v1 thing that never became all that common. At least they're not quite as giant as the Proto-Lifestyle books and magazines ones!

      Thankfully, having extra stock on the salesfloor isn't super common for Safeway Canada, at least from what I saw. I suspect this store has very little backroom space, and I'll explain why I think that soon!


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