Barber pole


 It seems that whoever designed this store's Artisan package got a bit... creative with how they adapted its standard elements to this very non-standard store. I just remembered I actually have the decor plans for this store, and was able to find out that the pattern we saw on the outside of the department yesterday was cobbled together out of paint colors intended for the bakery (green), deli (grey-blue), and floral (peach) departments, and all put together in a pattern that I swear I've seen before, but I'm not entirely sure where it's from! Another example is how they took Artisan's stripy pattern and wrapped it around that column on the left of the woodgrain panel, creating a barber pole effect. I wonder if the fact that this was being designed for a division that doesn't normally use Artisan let the designer (who could have even been someone who normally worked with QFCs and therefore not with Artisan... but I have no idea how these things work within Kroger and their contractors) unleash their creativity!
