Very standard produce


The main reason this store's been hiding in my backlog for so long is that there really isn't much to say about it. On the interior, it looks very similar to any other normal Northwest Safeway, and even the few oddities about it are nearly identical to other stores I've covered. It's not gotten to a point where it's noticeable on the blog, but I hardly ever photograph local Safeways anymore since I've already visited basically all of the interesting ones. Anyway, here's a picture of the produce department, which was rearranged from an angular to a straight layout in the 2010s, along with almost every other local Safeway, and which at the time of this visit had the then-standard accent signage that doesn't really belong to any decor package (I originally thought it was related to Modern, but Modern remodels took out all the signs with this chalkboard-esque font and replaced them with ones that actually match the decor package).
