I don't want to see the word "Sincerely" ever again

Over by the pharmacy was another bit of foreshadowing just before the wave of terrible puns arrived -- a stack of cubes advertising Sincerely Health, a health tracking app that Safeway is aggressively promoting that appears to be a thinly-veiled data collection effort. Sincerely Health is a stupid name, and it made absolutely no sense when it was first rolled out, a while before the Sincerely Food tagline, which I assume this was supposed to tie into, appeared. This is one of the few less-than-perfect pictures I've gotten from my new phone yet, and it's not all that bad compared to what my previous cameras produced in sub-optimal conditions; to be honest, I was using this store as a test case to see what the new phone would do when used sub-optimally, taking pictures on the fly rather than pausing to hold the camera steady, and I'm pretty impressed with the results.


  1. Ha, I thought it would be a while before we saw any 'Sincerely' ads on your blog given the backlog, not that I was eager to see 'Sincerely', but here we are! Safeway's 'Ingredients for Life' campaign, which was also used at Randall's, was related to Lifestyle. I wonder if there will be a Sincerely Style decor package! I suppose we'll be lucky if all these stores aren't wearing Artisan in a couple of years!

    Anonymous in Houston

    1. I don't actually have any stores with the full Sincerely Food campaign in my backlog quite yet -- this is the only Safeway I've visited since it rolled out, and it didn't have the new signs at that point! It seems that my local store is an early adopter, for better or for worse.


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