But wait, there's more

And that wasn't even all of it! Around the corner, we find a second AV sign, along with a (sadly dead) Home Theater Center sign above the doorway to a second dedicated electronics room, one that's actually still being used as such. All of the electronics sub-departments remind me of Fry's Electronics, but this store clearly has many times more products than the entire Fry's store when I visited it a few years back, despite being just a department within a drugstore that, as a whole, is a small fraction the size of a Fry's store.


  1. Interesting. I'm guessing at one time, that back 'Home Theatre Centre' would have been the sound demo room, but now it appears the home theater stuff is outside in the main part of the store and computers are in the sound demo room. Oh well, I'm guessing the Klipsch speakers they have out aren't hooked up for a sound demo even though it also looks like they could do a sound demo since they're also selling receivers. A modern US Best Buy wouldn't have a whole lot more home theater stuff than this store would unless it is a Best Buy that is also a Magnolia showroom!

    While I'm not a big fan of Klipsch speakers, at least it is a credible Hi-Fi brand and at least they still sell receivers! I'm pretty sure Best Buy only regularly carries one stereo receiver these days and it's a pretty basic Sony model.

    1. Perhaps, but I don't know if London Drugs was so into electronics to have dedicated speaker demo rooms like that! While there are some computers in there today, most of the room was still being used for TVs... though obviously they're hooked up to a computer and the demo wasn't working properly, since they were mostly showing the Windows 10 default desktop! I didn't even notice the speakers outside of the room -- I guess I must have been too distracted by the neon signs!


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