Aren't headphone cables considered old tech these days?

It took me a while to figure out why I thought the electronics banners look strange -- it's because almost all Fred Meyers don't have them, since electronics isn't on the main salesfloor! Headphone/aux cables seem like a strange choice of product to feature on them, but while I did get a set of bluetooth bone-conduction headphones last year, I'm still hanging on to my old wired pair too -- if I wasn't, my photos would probably be better because I wouldn't be hanging onto an older-model phone that still has a headphone port!


  1. It seems to me that most B&M stores selling electronics these days are mostly appealing to old people anyway so maybe this fits, lol. I would say that maybe Fred Meyer is trying not to appeal to modern iPhone users, but there is that Apple accessories section right there so I'm sure Fred Meyer wouldn't mind luring in some iPhone users.

    I don't use headphones often, but if I did, you can bet they would be wired headphones! I'd probably use one with a 1/8" plug, lol.

    You might like Mike's recent post at HHR featuring some images from 1969 from inside a Weingarten's supermarket here in Houston. Weingarten's was a classy grocer and those are some great photos. Link:

    1. Ha, that's probably true! Still, they typically want to project a high-tech image, even if it isn't entirely accurate...


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