Buy More, Spend More

Since the meat service department only got the seafood department sign, the meat department one ended up on the back wall, still using the service department style (text in the oval) despite not being in a service department. The ugly corrugated metal (or cardboard, as Anonymous put it in a comment yesterday) awning used in Northwest Decor meat departments also extends the whole length of the back wall -- I guess it's better than the nearly-blank back wall found in many Artisan Fred Meyers, but I still don't much like it.


  1. On the topic of cuts, but probably not fresh ones, the seams in the decor oval are quite obvious here. It's a bit surprising that the oval is cut up into fourths, but I suppose that's how they did it. Perhaps it is easier to glue that to the wall than one big oval piece. But, yeah, this might predate things like Remix and Artisan by a number of years, but it does have that cheap decor kind of look to it. That's not even mentioning the corrugated cardboard (or so it looks from the photo at least) awning, lol.

    1. I'm not surprised -- I imagine it would be quite expensive/difficult to manufacture something that large in one piece. At least it looks better than the similar seams in various Walmart decor elements! I've never really been able to decide what I think of Northwest, since its grocery decor is pretty bad but the general merchandise decor is quite nice, kind of the opposite of Artisan or even Banner, which went rather cheap in their general merchandise decor.


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