Welcome to the Wedgwood QFC!

(Or you could have just read the sign on the building... 😉)

This store opened in 1959, and hung on until 2021, when it was abruptly closed by QFC, supposedly in retaliation for minimum wage increases in the city of Seattle (though as always, I have my doubts about that and suspect Kroger was just trying to score political points while closing their two smallest stores -- at around 16,000 square feet, this store is about the same size as the East Capitol Hill location, which was closed at the same time for the same supposed reason -- or with this being one of the slowest-growing areas in Seattle thanks to being a wealthy single-family neighborhood). Beyond being tiny and ancient, this store has an interesting history -- apparently it was once a Tradewell, though clearly without that chain's distinctive architecture. Interestingly, plans were recently filed for a mixed-use redevelopment of this site, including a roughly 35,000 sf grocery store -- I'll be interested to see what tenant that will be (my shot-in-the-dark guess would be Trader Joe's, but who knows).
