The back of Macy's

With all of the really interesting stores the Bon Marche built over the years, it's sad to see just how incredibly boring most of the last stores they built were, with this being one of the blandest examples. It does look a little better at night, with that glass vestibule all lit up -- but that also gives it a weirdly 70s feel for something built in the late 90s.


  1. You're right, this does look like something from the 1970s! Even then, it looks rather austere for a department store of Bon Marche's stature. I wonder if Bon Marche found some old blueprints in the filing cabinet that Allied/Federated had drawn up in the 1970s and they just decided to go with that here to save some money!

    1. Ha! I'm pretty sure the stores they actually built in the 70s were significantly more interesting than this 🙂


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