Stepping inside

At first glance, this looks a lot like the typical cheap Modern remodels that so many Seattle-division Safeways have recieved; however, there are some interesting differences here, the most prominent being the flooring -- rather than patchy replacement of Lifestyle's decorative flooring with cheap white vinyl, here they just... removed it all. I know a lot of people don't like plain concrete flooring, and I don't think it looks all that great in this store myself, but I still think I prefer it over the poorly-done vinyl replacement that happened in so many local Safeways.


  1. Oh no! Given how nice the outside of this store looks, I was expecting something not as industrial looking inside as this. Modern's plain white tiles aren't a great look either, of course, but this is just very disappointing. Some fake wood or something would have worked much better. Of course, I would have taken the white tiles over this if I had to choose between the two.


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