Probably should have tried to avoid getting those masks in the shot

I had this post all written when I went out of town last weekend, but it doesn't appear that it published properly for some reason, so I'm reposting it now, way out of order. 

This part of the store seems to have been divided between costume accessories and decor accessories, with a diagonal wall holding another of Spirit's elaborate displays. It appears that whoever was responsible for the tape demarcating the actionways just gave up at this point and marked a rather narrow aisle randomly through Toys R Us's wood flooring! And the less said about the masks on the left side of the picture, the better -- though seeing as this was very much during the "masks required" stage of the pandemic, I wonder what would have happened if someone decided to go to a store wearing a Halloween mask instead of a COVID one! 😃 Off in the background, you can also see a bit of Toys R Us decor poking its head above Spirit's temporary walls, though the photography style honestly looks right at home with Spirit's decor!
