Sears and escalators

It's too bad the Sears facade here is just their generic 90s tiled look -- that logo would have looked awesome in neon to go along with the rest of the mall! Oh well, at least the three neon arcs converging at the center of the Sears arch look pretty cool.


  1. It's too bad the Sears here isn't open because it certainly looked from the thumbnails that it might have been! Around here, some Sears kept their signage up for quite a while after the store closed and some lost their signage pretty quickly. At the Mall of the Mainland, not only did the exterior signs stay up for quite a while (the mall was already a dead mall at that point so the mall entrance had closed a few years prior), but they started to light the signs at night again. Sears had stopped doing that for several years when the Sears was still open. That Sears is now a fancy World Gym that moved over from part of the closed Macy's. OTOH, at Willowbrook Mall, the Sears signage was removed quickly even though that store eventually became a Sears again when it was briefly a Sears Hometown Store. Odd!

    Now for something totally different, check out this rollerskating rink with a little Kroger Bountiful decor here in the Houston area! Ok, that place is in a former Kroger that relocated to a Kroger Marketplace. Still, it's a bit odd they kept that Kroger remnant given how extensively they remodeled the rest of the interior. I must say that Bountiful does go well with a black drop ceiling and a disco ball. Perhaps Kroger should take note! Link:

    1. Yeah, they seem to be all over the place. I'm pretty sure all the ones in the Seattle area no longer have signs up -- all of the ones I've seen since they closed, at least. The Port Angeles store had already started taking down its signage when I went by a couple weeks ago, while it was still running store closing sales!

  2. If the title is referencing what I think it is, I love it :P

    Also, that Kroger turned skating rink is wild!

    1. Uh... nope, this title wasn't referencing anything! 🙂 And I'm not sure what you're saying it could be referencing either. (Other than sometimes music, I'm very out of touch with pop culture...)

    2. Ah, my bad -- I thought it was a SpongeBob reference to the game Eels and Escalators, haha

    3. Ha! I can see why you would have thought that, but I've honestly never heard of that game.


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