Neighborhood scenes

Down in the garage is a poster showing various scenes around the neighborhood, including some of the neighborhood commercial areas. There's no Safeway in any of the pictures, leading me to suspect this neighborhood didn't have one until relatively recently -- Safeway almost always included pictures of a local vintage one of their stores in these collages if there was one to show.


  1. This collage of local flair seems a lot more accurate than my local Randall's which just put up a photo of a random old Albertsons and a pre-1966 Randall's (whose history is only indirectly tied to the 1966+ Randall's). It would actually be neat if they did put up some old photos of Houston Safeway stores in Randall's stores, but I'm guessing that won't happen given Safeway's reputation around here.

    1. Ha! At least this stuff is actually neighborhood-specific. Sadly, Seattle-division Safeway doesn't seem particularly interested in historic stuff these days -- other than a very small number of Lifestyle v3 remodels, these early-00s builds are the only ones with historic local flair photos.


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