Looking towards the front end

Spinning around, here's a view across the front of the store, including a better look at the vitamin sign, which is quite elaborate in its own right. While both Thrifty and Safeway Canada are owned by Sobeys, they still have their own complete identities, as the hanging promotional signage shows -- certainly quite different than, say, most Kroger brands or Albertsons and Safeway! 

I should also note that over the weekend, I looked a bit more into Thrifty, and it turns out this decor package is significantly less common than I had thought. In fact, it seems that this may be their only current store like this, though I'm not entirely convinced it is a one-off since I really think I saw it in some other location when I was younger. It seems that Thrifty used to be one of those chains that liked basically all of their locations to look unique -- which makes it quite strange that they don't seem to have featured much specific local flair in their stores, but it did lead to some quite interesting designs.
