Farm Fresh... isn't what you want from seafood

While for the most part, this store looks reasonably current today (even if it's hard to imagine a grocery store using such an elaborate decor these days), the fake stone above the meat counter looks significantly less fresh. This type of fake stone was super popular throughout the 00s, and is one of the few design elements from that era that look rather outdated to me these days. That all being said, it still looks pretty nice here, and adds even more dimensionality -- far better than the cheap wallpaper stuff that places like Sobey's and Kroger are using today!


  1. I suppose that now that you mention it, this type of decor is a bit dated, but that wasn't my initial reaction. This looks good without looking cheesy or anything like that. I think it is aging well even if it's something that isn't completely contemporary. It certainly looks better than Kroger's cheap decor that quite clearly looks fake.

    Although I know you're not a big river rock fan, this does remind me a bit of the river rock walls at older Safeways and some older Krogers.

    1. It really does, at least in most departments!

      Yeah, I've never been a fan of rock walls in general. I probably would have actually liked this when it was new, but these days it just looks old.


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