Did someone forget to install the right font?

Proceeding along, here's a better view of the very strange alcove space. Even stranger is the font used on the "Hot Soup" and "Rotisserie Chicken" signs -- the all-caps text and very plain font don't go with anything else in this decor and almost look like some sort of default thing. The mural here is also a bit strange -- I'm not sure if the big S on the left side is supposed to be reminiscent of Safeway's classic circle-S logo (with a very weird font of its own), or if it's supposed to be some local reference that I just don't get since I'm not familiar with the area.


  1. It looks like that 'S' medallion is referring to some high school whose name starts with an 'S'. It's hard to tell for sure though.

    1. Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me, but I don't really know what's going on locally.


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