Stepping inside

This store is from the late Blue & Grey Market era, meaning that it's pretty similar to the Port Angeles store I grew up with, but with some smaller differences (including a ceiling that looks a bit higher); it also seems to have received a somewhat more deluxe PF&Hv1 remodel. The grand aisle setup, offset just to the left of the main entrance doors, is almost identical to how I remember that store, just flipped to be on the left rather than the right.


  1. With this store being a Blue & Grey Market store from 1997, it'll be quite similar to a number of Houston former Albertsons which were built in that era. I can already see significant parallels to a few Krogertsons in Houston that are in old Blue & Grey Market stores. It'll be interesting to see how these stores compare to, say, Kroger Bountiful and Neighborhood decor like one of my local Krogertsons has had:

    Some of the rather bland aspects PF&Hv1 remind me a bit of the rather bland aspects of Neighborhood. That said, Neighborhood does have some more colorful sections so at least so far, I'm giving the edge to Kroger Neighborhood over PF&Hv1. My local Krogertsons probably looked the best using Bountiful though since it still had actual flooring cover then.

    I suspect this store is closer in size and design to my local Krogerstons than Retail Retell's local Krogertsons, but I suppose we'll see how things develop as this set goes along.

    1. Yeah, it really seems like the late 90s were the "golden age" for new-build Albertsons! There are a ton around here from this era too.

      PF&Hv1 certainly isn't colorful, but I've always liked the look, especially in stores that got more upscale versions with uplighting. I've always liked the giant Albertsons leaf graphics in particular.

      Measuring from Google Maps, it looks like all three are roughly the same size. I find it rather amusing how that size makes for a tiny Kroger in Mississippi, but a giant Safeway in Washington!


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