

 And to wrap this set up, here's a long view of the main facade, featuring the Sobeys-style exterior pharmacy sign -- quite a strange sight, since all of the other signs here are the same as what Safeway would have used! (Though that being said, Safeway US has also started using a different style of exterior signage, using basically the same font from their logo, in at least some stores rather than the Lifestyle-era stuff I'm used to.)

Anyway, as I alluded to a few days ago, today's my 5th "retail-versary"! I don't have much to say here, other than to just keep on going even when things don't seem to be going great. I've had a lot of fun this year, with two retail-heavy vacations and plenty of other interesting happenings just in the Seattle area, and I hope you continue to have fun following along as I slowly post about them. Anyway, while today I'm posting brand-new photos, somewhat contrary to my new tradition, I will start up another very old set tomorrow, to go along with the one that's ongoing in my "long-set" slot.


  1. Congrats on the 5 year anniversary, and I look forward to seeing what new adventures you'll be sharing with us going forward!

  2. Happy retailversary! Five years -- wow. It seems like your next most recent retailversary was just a few months ago, not an entire year! Maybe the time has flown for you also, or maybe it's just the way my life has changed over the past year, I don't know. In any case, I'm glad you're still sticking around in the hobby, and I definitely like your advice to others (like me) to do the same! Looking forward to more fun content.

    1. Thanks! I sure hope you do manage to stick with it, and I hope things become more manageable for you. August 2021 feels like forever ago to me (just like August 2018 when the "archive" pictures I'm posting came from), but that's just always been my perception of time.

  3. Happy anniversary! I'm looking forward to seeing what's to come on the blog. I know that those London Drugs posts should be really good! You never know what will be new in the world of Safeway/Albertsons and Kroger so we'll just have to keep an eye out on it.

    1. Thanks! I'm quite excited about London Drugs too. 🙂 I try to not just post the newest stuff I have, but there will certainly be some of those pictures appearing in the very near future.


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