Heading for the exit

Continuing along, this is  a view from just past the deli island looking towards the entrance vestibule (behind the BC flag off to the right, showing the weird zigzag path you follow entering this store) and the Starbucks kiosk vestibule in the background. This view really shows the contrast between the bright white ceiling under the upstairs mezzanine and the dark, higher ceiling above the main sales floor(s) -- I almost feel like the lower ceiling area looks more open than the rest of the store, without that overbearing dark ceiling!


  1. That area with the white ceiling certainly does look brighter than the part with the open ceiling. Is that a piano over there by the doors?

    There is a Tom Thumb in the Dallas area which has a piano, and one fancier than the one at this Safeway, but pianos in stores aren't too common. That's kind of neat that Sobey's put one in here. It certain;y gives the store a bit more of an upscale feel. Granted, I suppose it might not seem so nice if an unskilled player is using it, lol.

    1. Huh, yeah, that does seem to be some sort of electronic piano. I didn't notice that at all in person, somehow! I've certainly never seen a piano of any sort in any kind of grocery store around here!


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