Grove fresh

I was a little surprised to see that this store has a dedicated juice department, something I had thought only started with Lifestyle v2, but I guess new-builds in the Lifestyle v1 era got them too... or perhaps it's just here because of how weird this store's layout is. While it certainly seems logical to have the juice section next to bottled water, soda, and such, this is quite unusual for Safeway, which normally puts juice either in with dairy or in the produce department -- though this is quite near produce too.


  1. Pre-Safeway merger Randall's stores still have juice over in an area that is separate from dairy and on the complete opposite side of produce. In most Randall's stores like this, including my local one, the dairy is in the back left corner (assuming a typical store orientation) and then juices are about 2/3rds down the left side wall. Next to juices towards the front of the store would be the pharmacy. Juices are usually neighbored by over the counter pharmacy goods and/or health & beauty.

    Although Randall's stores built in the Safeway era probably have juices in spots similar to where they are in NW Safeways, I'm certainly used to something quite different at our Randall's stores! Admittedly, the juices location at these Randall's stores is quite strange since it's practically in the pharmacy area!

    1. Interesting! That's definitely quite different from anything I've ever seen.


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