Returning to the bakery

Completing a circle around the Murray's counter, here's a closer look at the bakery. There's even more old-style wood finishes over here! It's better than the Safeway Lifestyle-era woodgrain flooring and produce accents, at least, and Safeway's still actively installing that stuff (at least when remodeling stores that already have it). This store's bakery looks a bit cramped (I suppose it probably shares preparation space with the deli), but still manages to have a full service setup.


  1. Perhaps I'm the only one, but I prefer the lighter woodgrain finish to the really dark one! I think part of the problem is that the dark woodgrain finish quite obviously looks fake given the cheapness of modern Kroger decor. It's not Artisan or Remix level cheap here with Urban Mix, but still. Anyway, maybe a cherry finish would have been a nice compromise, lol.

    1. Hmm, interesting! I think the reason I don't like the older stuff might be specific to cabinetry -- I associate that sort of finish with cheap apartments from the 90s/00s. 🙂

    2. Ha, yeah, we had cheap laminate countertops like that in the 1970s! I say cheap, but that was quite normal for countertops back then. For better or for worse, the cabinets themselves were about the same color as the Urban Mix fake wood! We won't get into the wallpaper. Fortunately, Kroger has not brought that back!


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