Produce, reverse overview

I sure took a lot of photos of the produce department in this store -- it is rather photogenic, I have to say! This view does a good job of showing how the stripy decor panels are dimensional, made out of layered material, another thing that makes Urban Mix feel much more premium than all of the decor packages these days that lean heavily on flat, painted or printed elements.


  1. This does look pretty nice! This does look a bit like older supermarkets with closed-in produce areas which had low ceilings and dim lighting. Safeway has tried to emulate this look, at least with the early Lifestyle designs, but this comes off a little nicer. Also, the anti-slip mats seem to be taking away some of the ugliness of what are probably concrete floors down below. But, yeah, the wall decor does look nice and it breaks up the monotony that otherwise would have been the case with that grey paint.

    1. I'm never sure how these things come across in pictures, but I really do think this is one of the nicest QFCs I've ever visited!


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