I swear I've seen those register lights somewhere else

For a store that was built in the 90s and remodeled in the 00s, there are sure a lot of design elements here that look more 70s to me! Up front, a large portion of the actionway has these yellow-and-green square patterns that look like something from the same era as those orange and yellow tables we saw earlier. Seeing as this design aligns perfectly with the present-day actionway, I'm guessing this is something H Mart installed.


  1. The colors of those tiles are certainly very 1970s colors. In fact, harvest gold and avocado might well be two of the most 1970s colors around along with orange. All this said, that design isn't really retro as much as it is...weird...lol. I don't remember 1970s supermarkets using floor designs like that!

    Those checkout number signs look very retro too. They probably look more 1980s than 1970s, but still, they do look like they are from another era! They do work though and they don't look too bad even if they are a bit plain.

    On the topic of weird things and odd floors, check out this Safeway-Albertsons United in Abilene, Texas. This was a Safeway that closed in the late 1980s. It bounced around a bit before becoming a United, which it is now. Obviously, as a United, it's under the Albertsons umbrella. It's a bit of a strange Safeway homecoming of sorts. Anyway, check out the flooring here! This is actually pretty common at United Supermarkets which have vinyl floors instead of concrete floors. It's certainly a memorable look if nothing else! Link: https://goo.gl/maps/N6298xy4tjow3aqY6

    1. Hmm, I know I've seen flooring with square patterns like that in older buildings before, but probably not at grocery stores now that I think about it.

      Holy cow that's a lot of checkerboard flooring. I've certainly seen a lot of stores with checkerboard accent flooring (this store has some, even), but having it for the entire store is crazy!


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