Circles and diamonds

The station's architectural style was inspired by the flagship department stores of the early 20th century that once surrounded this area, though there's a clear 80s postmodernist influence here too. All of the original Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel stations have their own distinctive aesthetic; while I'm a big fan of Pioneer Square Station's giant barrel vault, Westlake is quite nice too. Up on the mezzannine level, the most distinctive feature is the oversized light fixtures, both on the ceiling and on pedestals next to the bridges to some of the "anchor tenants". I'm sure it sounds weird to hear me talking about this space as being mall-like, but just imagine the spaces along the sides of the concourse filled with retail spaces rather than being open to the platform below!


  1. Gee, that light fixture looks a lot like a car engine air filter that goes into cars with carburetors! I'm talking about something like this:

    Of course, I might be the only person who thinks of something like that, lol!


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