Candy Tyme

Candy Tyme, a store that is exactly what it sounds like, also has an interesting design, with lots of bright colors and some odd textured metal panels covering much of its facade. It appears that the candy store recently moved here from a smaller space on the second floor, and I'm not sure whether they completely customized the space, or if some of the design here is left over from whatever the former tenant was.


  1. Stainless steel looks like a bit odd on a candy store, but the interior of the place looks kind of neat. This doesn't seem like the mall that draws a lot of families with children, but maybe they do. Either that or office workers like buying candy!

    1. Yeah, who knows -- it is right in the middle of tourist central, so maybe they get business from tourists with kids. Either way, I guess they're successful, since they moved to a larger space sometime recently!


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