I don't think I've ever seen open-front freezers before

This store's frozen department seems shockingly outdated, considering its 1995 build date! I believe frozen coffin cases were still hanging on in some new-build stores at that time, though the chains I'm most familiar with (Safeway and Albertsons) had already switched to the kind you see today, but the upright, open-front ones are just weird and something I haven't seen even in much older stores. I have to imagine this store's electricity bills must be crazy expensive!


  1. I've certainly seen plenty of supermarkets with coffin coolers and open-front freezers before in-person, but I have to say that it's quite rare to see those here in modern times! I know we still have some independent supermarkets which have them and maybe even some Asian supermarkets. Aside from those strange curved things hanging above the open-front freezers, this really does look like something from the 1980s!

    Mike from Houston Historic Retail posted a page about Herfy's at HHR a few days ago. There might be some information on there which is news to you so it might be worth a read about this odd NW burger chain that ended up in Houston of all places! Link: https://houstonhistoricretail.com/restaurants/herfys-hamburgers/

    1. Interesting! I've visited some stores with extremely old cases, but nothing quite like this.

      Cool stuff -- glad he was able to trace how it ended up all the way in Houston! I'm also glad it didn't have the reputation for robberies around here that it did there, seeing as at least one of my relatives worked there for a while!


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