Dairy box (pretty sure eggs are all the way on the other side of the store)

I was extremely surprised to see that such an ancient and tiny store actually has a proper milk walk-in case, rather than just putting milk in open wall cases like most stores of this era (and many much newer ones too). I imagine this must have been a later revision -- it appears that an addition was put onto this side of the building at some point for more back room space, so this probably would have been done then, quite likely replacing the original cases along the back wall.


  1. Those decor photos of eggs and such look so big at this small store! I suspect that if this store was a Randall's, they probably would have put micro-sized photos and maybe they wouldn't have used the lighted department names either. As you've seen, micro-sized decor is almost the norm at Houston Randall's, lol, but that is because it is necessary in many cases.

    1. I'm pretty sure these are already smaller than what Safeway would put in a normal store! The text definitely is, but the pictures might be a little closer to normal size. It is still impressive that they used full 3D, backlit signage here -- I know a lot of smaller/older stores with Livestyle v2 in your area and some other parts of the country have flatter, non-backlit signage, or sometimes even printed signage on hanging panels, Walmart-style.


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