Stripey photo booth

Nestled in amongst the other christmas stuff over here was this photo booth, which I wouldn't normally find interesting, but I love the bold colorful design on the outside! Looking at the sign, I have to wonder if this is all a scheme to add people's emails to marketing lists -- and also, there's something rather pretentious-sounding about the last line, "This experience is free." -- I'm so tired of everything being branded as an "experience" these days.


  1. But I enjoy the Northwest Retail blog experience...and it is free unlike those Nordstrom personalized gift bags!

    It's a bit weird that they use 'gif' as a word. To me, it's a file extension and should be written as '.gif', but then again, I started using computers in the pre-graphical user interface days where we had to type in each file extension, lol.

    1. Ha!

      Yeah, I think the ship has sailed on that one, though I would still capitalize it as GIF (after all, it is an acronym as well as a file extension).


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