Thank you, Guest Services

Interestingly, Safeway replaced the customer service sign here with the "thank you for shopping" sign, relying just on the small hanging sign for the customer service counter. (They kept the poorly-aimed spotlights, though, and they make even less sense now!) I suppose there wasn't enough space below the security windows for a standard Modern Decor sign and they didn't want to remove those (even though I imagine they aren't used for their original purpose any longer). Also, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the new decorative window film that replaced the plain white film is one-way material, meaning that you can now see out again (at least where the windows aren't covered by fixtures)!


  1. In all likelihood, this area would have looked something like this Houston Safeway (Scarsdale & Beamer, built in 1983) did in 1988. The "We're Glad To Be Back" banner here is interesting. It seems Safeway closed this location before selling off the Houston Division to local Safeway managers/employees in what would eventually become AppleTree. For a while, the sold division still operated under the Safeway name until they were able to get the AppleTree name and image going. This store was odd in that it re-opened a year after it closed. It was a Safeway before and after, but when it re-opened, it was actually re-opened by the AppleTree people still operating under the Safeway name. Yes, it's all very odd and confusing, lol. Link:

    While the Safeway Modern font isn't exactly what Safeway used in the 1980s, it looks like Safeway could have used it in the 1980s. Thus, it looks very 1980s over there in this part of the store! It's quite strange seeing that! A Safeway of this design might not mean anything to people in Seattle, but this is a very nostalgic look for people used to Houston Safeways.

    1. Oh, here's what that Scarsdale & Beamer Safeway looks like today as a Food Town. Yes, this store has 1990s Food Lion decor, but no, it was never a Food Lion. Also, it has old Albertsons checkouts. This store is a strange mix of things, lol. As you can see, they customer service desk isn't much different at the Food Town than it is at the Seattle Safeway! Link:

    2. Cool to see those old pictures! Yeah, this does look very similar. I'm not sure how many stores like this were built around here -- it seems like most current local Safeways are 90s-00s construction and replaced ones from the Marina era or earlier, which makes me think they didn't build all that many in the 80s.

      At least around here, Safeway used those same turntable checkouts in the 80s-90s, though they hung around much longer at Albertsons -- Safeway almost always replaced them in the Lifestyle remodel wave (I've still only ever seen one that didn't), whereas many Albertsons stores kept theirs all the way up until being converted to Safeways.


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