Security bridge

Stepping back (into the clothing department), here's a broader look at the checkout setup, with its narrow strip of low Paraline ceiling. Judging by the one-way windows up towards the ceiling, I imagine this setup was designed to serve as a security catwalk space. It seems kind of weird that they only lowered the ceiling over the checkouts, leaving higher ceilings over the aisleway behind them, and also weird that the security setup left the checkouts in a blind spot (Safeway and Albertsons stores with similar security overlooks had them placed right where they would observe the checkouts). The entrance setup over here is a bit weird too -- customer service is directly in front of the doors, and the area to the right of the counter is blocked off by shelving, forcing people coming into the store this way to filter through the checkouts to access this part of the salesfloor, or otherwise, detour all the way around the row of checkouts towards the front of the store.


  1. Huh, that is a strange front end and a very strange security catwalk. I guess they felt the manager over the registers would keep an eye on that part of the store. While I can see some similarities to our Krogers in the front ends of the newer Fred Meyers, that's most certainly not the case here!

    1. Seeing as there are hardly any similarities between this store and other Fred Meyers, no surprise there aren't any between it and Krogers! 🙂


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