Checkerboard galore

The entire right wall of the grocery section is dominated by checkerboard trim,  stretching through both the deli and bakery sections. I was quite interested to see the "pizza" sign on the left side of the deli -- this store doesn't have any sort of deli pizza setup (or really any hot foods) these days; if it did when this decor was initially installed in the 80s, I feel like that would have been way ahead of its time! Those tall cases in the middle definitely look like they were added at a later date, so perhaps there was once a bigger prepared foods section in that spot.


  1. That style of bakery tables doesn't seem like a good fit with the checkerboard decor and the shed-like roof! Oh well, it could be worse, imagine this area with a 1970s/1980s concrete floor! Yikes!

    There's some interesting news that Albertsons is opening a new store in the Dallas suburb of Irving in an old abandoned Minyards/Fiesta Mart location. It's an older blue-collar suburb and Albertsons is absolutely getting incentives from the City of Irving to open this store. Albertsons seems to be renovating the store on the cheap, but we'll see how it looks when it opens. This might well be the first 'new' Albertsons branded store on the Dallas/Houston side of Texas in around 20 years (not counting Market Street since those aren't branded as Albertsons here). I'm not 100% sure, but it's an unusual thing. I'm guessing Albertsons didn't want to besmirch the Tom Thumb name by putting it on a potentially cheap recycle job so they're opening this store as an Albertsons. Link:

    The closest major grocer to that Albertsons will be that Krogway that I shared with you yesterday.

    1. Yeah, these fixtures definitely look like hand-me-downs from other stores!

      Wow, a new Albertsons -- I can't imagine there have been all that many of those anywhere in recent years!


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