At least the old Albertsons sign frame remains

Plus, there's something that I didn't tell you in those previous sets, because I only learned about it shortly after posting them -- apparently, my great-grandparents (or maybe great-great-grandparents?) once owned this land, and one of my parents lived here for a short time as a baby! Apparently, they owned a large chunk of land in this area (there are some discrepancies between what different relatives remember about where exactly it was) which they built a trailer park on, before selling it in the mid-60s (probably to White Front, the original retailer in this space, or whoever they leased the store from). I'm worried that mentioning that my family once owned a large chunk of land in Seattle makes it sound like they are wealthy, but if they ever were, that has disappeared over the years -- and I highly doubt it's anywhere near as impressive as it sounds, considering that it was a trailer park and this was 60 years ago. It's just fun for someone like me to have a tangible (if tenuous) connection to retail history, especially on a site that I keep coming back to.

Returning to the actual content of this photo, here's the old Albertsons/PetSmart road sign, with the Albertsons part split between HomeGoods and Sprouts. Both stores seemed to be ready to open in 2020, but for one reason or another, HomeGoods' opening was delayed until mid-2021, hence the "Opening 2021" sticker on the road sign -- though it had been open for quite some time by the time I visited it and the sticker was still there. In fact, as of the last time I went by here (not too long ago), it was still there!


  1. White Front! It's good to see them get a mention here. I know you said something before about your family owning some property where a White Front ended up. Well, here it is!


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