Stepping inside

Even with the imminent closing, it's quite clear that this was quite a nice Barnes & Noble -- I feel like their stores can vary wildly in design and quality, but this one was certainly well above average for ones that I've visited, so it's sad to see it being one of their first local stores to close. It's a bit hard to think about decor packages for Barnes & Noble, since they seem to swap out individual elements in stores over time and rarely do major remodels, but the decor in this store, with the illuminated department signs and green tile in the music department, looks very nice, and the whole store just seems quite well put together overall. 

Speaking of the closing, I'm not sure if this store had a closing sale at all, or whether that's even a thing in the book world (prices are generally fixed by the publishers, and I'm not sure what amount of flexibility stores have for discounts). There was certainly a lot of remaining stock with one week left, and when I visited the downtown store on its last day, it still had lots of stock even at that point. The posters on the racks on the right look like store closing sale posters, but those are just the normal Barnes & Noble discount shelves (always my favorite section to shop in growing up!).
