Trying something new


I've been hearing that there have been some issues commenting on posts here, so I decided to reset the blog theme to something completely new to see if that fixes the issue. It looks like it probably didn't, but let me know if you've been having issues and they're somehow better now! I'm going to leave this up for at least a few days now, and maybe I'll even leave it like this since I like the way this new theme looks, even if it isn't fixing the issues. Let me know if you have any thoughts! 🙂

Edit: So I've gone back to the original setup (again). Hopefully Anonymous in Houston will still be able to comment, since that's why I decided to change in the first place. But the new theme I was trying out just had too many annoying little issues to it, so I'm not going to be using that one going forward.


  1. Well, we'll see if this works!

    That's a nice Safeway cart animation for the sake of testing! I reckon watching it too much might lead to motion sickness, lol.

    1. Hey, it worked!

      Yep, that's something that Google Photos auto-generated a while back. Definitely not something I can look at for more than a few seconds!

    2. Speaking of animations, that's the one big thing I don't like about the new theme: too many animations! I wonder if there's a way to customize that, but I'm not going to deal with that right now.

    3. Yes, these themes are quite 'interactive'. That said, I do quite like the adjustable presentation styles up at the top. The 'Snapshot' version that makes everything look like Polaroid photos is pretty neat!

      I didn't really have any issue with the old format...other than it not letting me post comments, lol. It was generally fine until recently. I don't know what went wrong, but I've had issues with comments on other Blogger blogs as well.

    4. I still like the old format too. There were just two issues with it -- the glitchiness around commenting, and the fact that the individual posts didn't show the categories/tags (something that Retail Retell mentioned at one point as something that made it harder to link to my sets). This new theme at least fixes the second issue, so that's a step in the right direction, I suppose.

    5. Well, now that you (and Retail Retell) mention it, it would be nice to have some way of linking to a set of photos on your blog. So, yeah, I certainly view that as being an advantage to the new format.

    6. Though now that I look into that, the way I had been doing sets (by combining multiple tags) doesn't appear to work in this new theme. ☹️ One step forward, two steps back. So either I need to completely change how I do things, or go back to the old theme (and try to make it work better).

    7. One step forward, two steps back. Maybe you can get that Safeway cart to go backwards, lol.

      Well, let's see if the comments work now that things are back to the old format.


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