Stacks of kayaks

This store is clearly taking advantage of its location near the coast -- and it appeared that quite a few of the people here were tourists, so I'm sure the water stuff was selling well enough! Despite that, though, this scene looks rather drab -- though at least there's a car in this picture that's not black or grey 😉


  1. Whoa, a Subaru Baja! While it might be in a drab color, and it is actually a rather drab car...err...truck, it is also pretty rare. At least it's rare in these parts, maybe they are all over the place in Oregon. I wouldn't be surprised, lol. The Baja was a more modern remake of the quirky Subaru BRAT. Now, if you find a Subaru BRAT hanging out at a Fred Meyer, that would truly be shocking. Then again, I don't think anything really shocks me when it comes to cars and Oregon, lol.

    Speaking of things with wheels, I saw a broken down Albertsons/Tom Thumb truck on the side of the freeway while driving to work this morning. Some might say that's truly reflective of Albertsons/Safeway's history in Houston, lol. Oh, I also looked at the North Loop Whole Foods 365 and the signage has been changed to normal Whole Foods signage.

    That "Feel Your Best with Fresh" poster on the front of the Fred Meyer is quite strange. I know 'Fresh' is kind of Krogers theme these days, but that seems like such a generic slogan and poster.

  2. I KNEW you were going to mention that! I almost said something in the description, but decided I would rather wait to see if you would notice it yourself. 🙂

    Bajas certainly aren't common here (or anywhere, as far as I can tell), but there are a few of them around. And I feel like I saw a BRAT around here somewhere recently too, though I might just be getting it confused with something similar.

    Yeah... honestly, I think the whole "Fresh for Everyone" campaign (at least the slogans and such, obviously not the graphic design) is rather bland and generic. I'm sad that Kroger forced it on Fred Meyer, but at least QFC is still doing their own thing.

    1. Ha, it seems you knew I couldn't let that Subaru Baja photo get posted without a comment, lol. I guess if anyone still has a Subaru BRAT going, it would be someone in the NW or maybe far Northern California. I have not seen a Subaru of that vintage, BRAT or otherwise, in probably 20 years or so!

      If you photograph enough Oregon supermarkets, maybe you'll even spot a Suzuki X-90. That's the real Loch Ness Monster of cars....probably even in the NW! Who knows what you might find up there though!

      Kroger's "Fresher than Fresh" slogan probably upsets me more than it should, lol. How can something be fresher than fresh?! Oh well, that's good if QFC has gone with their own marketing.

    2. Subaru BRATs are extremely rare around here, obviously, but Subaru station wagons from the late 80s/early 90s are still a decently common sight, even in Seattle! It's not like they're an everyday sight, but cars of that era (mostly Subarus and Toyotas) are much more common than you might think. I suspect that the crazy high cost of living around here causes people to cut expenses where they can, and that includes cars.

      The Suzuki X-90, though... that thing's so strange looking that I can be pretty sure I've never seen one of them!


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