The sign color accurately reflects the products' color


I was mocking Kroger for choosing to make the men's department signs all grey in that last picture, but looking at this one it feels all too appropriate. I see some blue and orange shirts sticking out in the middle, and green on the far left, but for the most part the clothes here are all colorless or nearly so. This seems to be a trend in men's clothing over the past few years -- I personally prefer to were brightly colored clothes, and it's been hard for me to find clothing I like lately.


  1. Perhaps you should borrow some of your father's clothes. That Zubaz-like clothing you were talking about ought to spice things up a bit, lol!

    I was witnessing a gas station today being painted grey. It seems like a lot of things retail are turning grey and that includes well-performing retailers like Target and also buildings where the store has gone out of business! They all get turned grey now. Turning a closed store grey makes sense, I suppose, but not a living store.

    Then, on top of that, a lot of the cars in the parking lot are grey and I suppose a lot of the clothing is now grey as well!

    Fortunately, even though I like colorful clothing, I have enough old clothing around to last me quite a while. In fact, just the other day I was wearing a Northwest Blue shirt, which was Montgomery Ward's house brand for jeans and casual clothing, which must be at least 20 years old obviously!

    I don't know if Montgomery Ward operated in Seattle, but if they did, maybe you can find some of these fine men's fashions from the 1977 Spring-Summer Wards catalog in your area thrift stores, lol.

    I think I'd rather have some of those than that grey Dip stuff! Doesn't Kroger know that dip is supposed to be thrown out when it turns grey? Lol.

    1. Ha, the one I was thinking of that he has is actually black and white! 😉 I had more colorful clothes in the past myself, but unfortunately I wear through them pretty fast -- just how it goes with my work.

      I thought Montgomery Ward had stores around here, but I looked it up and it sounds like they might not have. The one I thought was one was actually a Woolworth -- I guess I got my defunct stores starting with Ws mixed up!

      It's too bad how colorless a lot of stuff is these days, for sure. I'm still not thrilled with Target's blank grey walls!

    2. Ok, scratch your father's Zubaz-like stuff off the list then, lol.

      If you think Wards and Woolworth are confusing, throw in Woolco in the mix as well! Actually, I'll be discussing Wards, Woolworth, and Woolco in my next guest blog post at the Houston Historic Retail blog which should be going up tomorrow morning (how's that for a nice plug? lol). Hopefully all of that doesn't prove to be too confusing!

      It seems that Everett must have had a Montgomery Ward at one time based on this photo, but I don't know if any of the Seattle area suburban malls got a Montgomery Ward.


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