
And to be clear, I don't just like Artisan's clothing decor because it actually exists, I actually think it looks pretty nice! I'm always a sucker for big geometric graphics like this. The shoe department is the best example, because it actually got wall paint with the pattern, not just little signs. I could totally see a whole store decor package looking like this -- I do applaud Kroger for trying to make their decor packages much less monotonous than you'd see at a place like Walmart or Target, but I honestly think I'd like a whole store of this much better than what we actually got with Artisan! 🙂


  1. Agreed -- I like the Artisan apparel décor way better than the rest of Artisan! The geometric patterns on the walls are neat, but I even like the ones seen on the accessories sign in the last image. Funny, though, how Remix kinda does the same thing with arrow-like elements on the walls, and as you're well aware I'm not a fan of that package...

    1. Yeah, the stuff in Remix really doesn't have the same appeal. I think a large part of the problem is that there just isn't enough of it to break up the blank walls, just as in most of Artisan. Also, I'm just not a big fan of the style of the geometric elements in Remix, with their rough edges compared to the crisp lines of this decor.

    2. Well-said! I agree with all of that. Except I couldn't have phrased it as nicely as you just did :P


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