Department sign detail


 I think my favorite part of Artisan is the hanging department signage. The geometric wood design with cutouts is a neat style that really stands out from any other decor package I've seen, and especially relative to Banner. Unfortunately (spoiler alert!), this is about the only thing about Artisan that I like better than Banner. Also of note is the ampersand, which is the same one from Main & Vine -- I think this led people (including myself) to think that this decor would be more like Urban Mix (which directly took many elements from Main & Vine), but in reality, this is about the only similarity.


  1. Nice close-up! Unfortunately, I can't agree on the signs, I'm not a big fan :P Also, strange to see the "Brands you love/Quality you trust" sign right inside the entrance...

    1. Ha, I guess we all have different tastes! Yeah, that's an odd one, and I was going to mention it later in the series. Do your stores have this sign in a different location?

    2. And that's part of what makes this hobby fun! 😄

      Oops, my bad for pointing it out early then :P Yeah, all the ones I've seen online have it in the back near the end of the grand aisle. In Oxford for example, it's in the back right corner between bakery and meat. That's the only Artisan store I've been to in person, but it seems to be fairly common in that spot. Also with blue lettering instead of red.

    3. Huh, weird! I guess Fred Meyer just likes to do their own thing.


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