Deli sign, profile view

The deli sign is probably the coolest thing about Artisan, and even more so looking at it from this angle! Then again, putting the sign so far off the wall seems a bit silly, since you can only see it from the far half of the actionway. The rest of the deli decor, I'm not so sure about... the black tile is an interesting choice, and the "sushi bar" sign is another thing that doesn't fit in with much of anything (the font looks halfway between the normal Artisan signs and the one used in Banner!). 


  1. Hmm... I never really thought about the readability aspect. I wonder now if maybe the Delta Division has intentionally gone for less elaborate signs in stores like Oxford. If that's the case, then I can support the decision much more easily; but at the same time, when the extended angle is the only defining feature of the sign, and that's not there... it all just kinda craps out, design-wise!

    1. Yeah, that's possible. But it seems like sign placement and readability is something I gripe about all too often and not something that people actually care about, so I bet it was mostly just done to be cheap.


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