Welcome back to the Downtown Seattle Macy's closing! February 8th, 2020


 So apparently on this visit, I didn't get any exterior pictures. That's a little awkward, but not entirely surprising since nothing much was going on on the exterior at this point. So instead, let's start this post off with the tower of sales signs (good deals on mattresses and furniture, but anything good in those departments had sold out weeks ago!) and the new navigational sign (which seems a little pointless, seeing as the only information it had that differed from the pre-closing layout is the mention of fixture sales, and there were still fixtures for sale on all levels at this point).


  1. Someone is facing the wrong way on that escalator. But since I don't know which direction it's headed I don't know which one of these people that is!

    1. Ha, I didn't even notice that! It's the up escalator, so the guy in the foreground is definitely facing backward, and the guy at the back might be (but he might just be looking around, I can't tell).


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