Front end

Upon finally leaving the front right corner, we find the customer service kiosk, with the rest of the front end extending off into the background. I can't quite decide what the theme of the display on the right is supposed to be, but those chicken-shaped flip calendar things are sure an odd sight!


  1. Huh, I've seen plenty of customer service desks, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen a customer services desk. It kind of makes sense though.

    Maybe Kroger has had customer services desks for a long time now and I just have not noticed it, lol.

    Those vertical department signs remind me of what Sears was doing in their The Great Indoors stores. I'm now sure if you ever saw one of those. We had one near me and I shopped in there a number of times during the short time that store was open. Here's a look at one:

    1. Well, it's certainly common for Fred Meyer, at least! 🙂 It's a shortening of the "customer and money services" phrase used on the longer sides of the box sign, and I believe that wording is quite common at Kroger. (QFC, however, doesn't even use that, just going for the normal "customer service" wording.)

      I don't think I've seen The Great Indoors before -- that's a nice looking store! I feel like vertical pylon signs aren't that uncommon as a design choice, but those ones look quite nice, being built around existing columns rather than just floating on their own.


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