Ottoman in the actionway

Jumping over towards those old bus tunnel doors for a moment, here's a view the other way along the sold fixtures section. I still wonder if anyone ever bought that weird giant display thing, and if so, what they would have done with it...


  1. The RE-PC used computer store in Seattle and Tukwila seems like the kind of business that shops these fixtures sales, lol. They wouldn't need hangars and mannequins, but I'm sure there are a lot of displays and tables they could use. I'm trying to figure out where those carts with the brown/maroon seats came from at the Seattle location, but I can't quite figure it out. I think Walgreens may have used carts like that way back in the day, but I don't know if that's where they came from.

    Anyway, those RE-PC stores in your area are totally awesome. They look like places where I could spend hours browsing through stuff. They have a lot of used Hi-Fi stuff and other electronics in addition to PC stuff. The Tukwila store looks a little nicer, but the Seattle store has a computer museum in it as well. Neat stuff, this might be something worth visiting if you're in the area.

    Tukwila RE-PC:
    Seattle RE-PC:

    1. Ha, that's not my sort of thing, but I can see why you would find it cool! I'm not sure what store would have used that style of cart either -- the seat looks a lot like what Costco used a long time ago, but the rest of the cart doesn't look right for Costco at all.

    2. According to the photos I found on Yelp of the Seattle RE-PC, the yellow handbaskets are from Incredible Universe!


      I don't even recognize those blue Walgreens handbaskets, but I guess they must be from there.

    3. Wow, that's pretty neat!

      Those are the Walgreens baskets I'm used to seeing -- perhaps it's a regional thing, as weird as that would be.

    4. It's possible that Walgreens uses/used the same baskets here and I just never noticed that. Walgreens used to have very distinctive baskets prior to some time in the 1990s. They were brown and were solid. They didn't have cut-outs like most baskets. Here's a photo of those memorable baskets:

      On the topic of Walgreens carts from that era, here's a photo of one from them Flickr. I don't think these are the same as those RE-PC carts, but there are some similarities. Link:

    5. Wow, those are weird baskets! Port Angeles didn't get a Walgreens until the late 2000s or early 2010s, so I'm not used to old Walgreens stuff.


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