
Also on this side of the store is the frozen department, which looks just as boring as expected (though it's got pretty nice, newer cases). I don't know if I've posted this version of natural foods category markers before, but they're quite nice!


  1. If those Halloween candies on top of the freezers are as high up as I assume they are, they must be quite difficult for shoppers to reach without having to ask for assistance! Given how often people buy those things relative to things like patio umbrellas and coolers that are normally stored up on top of the freezers, I'm guessing the QFC employees must use their ladders quite a bit in the Fall!

    Sometimes those freezers run quite hot on the outside. That's probably not ideal for chocolate, Also, I could see someone dropping a bag of candy, or maybe even a whole box, on their heads if they tried to extend their arms as far up as they could to try to grab a bag. That's certainly a risk, but I suppose small stores like this have to make use of what room they have.

    1. Ha, yeah, it does seem like a weird choice! I often wonder why stores bother putting items for sale on top of cases, since in addition to it being hard to get things yourself from up there, it's quite rare for grocery stores around here (of any brand) to actually have employees available to help outside of the checkouts and service departments, and those employees are busy with their own work.


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