Abstract meat

The meat decor isn't exactly my favorite, but it's quite well implemented in this store, with the metal and wood panels wrapping around the office windows and extending up to the angled ceiling. And yes, those panels are actually metal as far as I can tell, not painted foamboard as is so common in grocery store decor -- in QFCs with low ceilings, you can get a close-up view of the decor (perhaps the only good thing about low-ceiling stores!).


  1. Definitely a metallic finish -- but I honestly don't know if it's 100% metal or not! The design people call it a "dimension wall": https://news.mdcwall.com/2019/12/grocer-discovers-fresh-looks-that-last/

    1. Interesting! I wasn't able to find much more detail on what the "dimension wall" panels are actually made of, but if they aren't metal, they're the most realistic fake metal I've ever seen, so props to Kroger for choosing high-quality materials either way!


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