Where should we put the sign? How about in the middle of the gnome!

At least I think that's supposed to be a gnome... I'm not the best at this sort of thing! Anyways, in addition to the fixture sales seen off to the right, much of the children's department was an empty sea of carpet -- carpet that looks like it would be very much at home in a Target!


  1. This Macy's did indeed have some very nice flooring. I miss flooring like this at stores with the combination of nice tile designs and carpeting. I know it still exists in some department stores, but it's become more and more rare.

    The Macy's around here which have closed were not well maintained and had things such as cardboard flooring by the time they closed, lol. I think I've shown this before, but here it is again: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E1kk77SXXGE/Wtbl9WU3CBI/AAAAAAAATKo/1xB2SGXp4N4N54o0EB-Z51jQCbYKRxsRACLcBGAs/s1600/20170301_134815.jpg

    1. Interesting -- this is about what I would expect for a department store (though the tile here is quite fancy). But I certainly don't spend a lot of time in department stores!

    2. Most department stores do have tile, but many just use white tile these days and don't have as elaborate of a border as this store had. Anyway, with department stores slowly closing down across the country, even those more boring designs are becoming more and more rare.


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