The floor is lava

Since that part of the store is too cramped for good photo taking, let's head back to the entry space! You can kind of see here how the darker and lighter red tiles appear to have been used as a pattern, rather than being mistakes... though I'm not completely convinced and I certainly don't think it was a great design choice. It's also surprising to see greeting cards being given such prominent placement in a brand-new store -- that's certainly not something you often see these days!


  1. That's certainly an odd pattern. It almost looks like replacement tiles, but it probably is a pattern as you say. I wonder if they needed replacement tiles in certain spots and so they decided to make a pattern since the tiles didn't match. Who knows.

    Apple red floors like that certainly aren't too common. They kind of remind me of the racetrack flooring old plug-style Circuit City stores had when they were built in the late 1980s-early 1990s. Of course, that flooring had a texture to it and the Target has normal vinyl tiles. Here's an image from a PC Richard & Sons electronics store in Connecticut which is in an old plug-style Circuit City and still has that red racetrack flooring:

    I'm not sure if you're familiar with the PC Richard & Sons chain in the Northeast, but they have a very good reputation for customer service. Their stores look pretty neat too even when they're mostly re-using Circuit Cities. Here's the full gallery from that store:

    Check out that user review rating on Google for that store, 4.8! A score that high is almost unprecedented with that many votes. Their customers seem to love them.

    Speaking of Circuit Cities from that era, I used to like the jingle music they had on their commercials at the time. I still do! That was a different, more exciting time for electronics stores. Link:

    1. Yeah, that does look similar! The textured floor is an interesting choice -- I've never seen that in a retail store. It's pretty cool to see that at least something from Circuit City remains -- I don't believe I ever visited one of their stores when they were still around, sadly.


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