Deli, long view

 One place Modern Decor really falls short is when it comes to larger deli counters like this. Since the decor only has one sign (rather than the multitude of smaller signs from Lifestyle v1/v2), there's quite a bit of blank wall space -- and it looks particularly bad in this store, where there's the whole diagonal wall piece with practically nothing on it. Safeway could well have used the "prepared foods" sign where the deli sign is now, and put that one on the diagonal wall where the deli counter is, but with these remodels I don't think anyone was putting anywhere near that level of thought into what they were doing. (On a side note, I'm also quite sad that none of the local flair elements present in the earliest uses of Modern Decor have been used in these recent remodels -- I don't believe the cafe sign seen there has been put in any remodeled store, and the street names/local landmarks on the aisle markers were used only sporadically in Albertsons conversions and I haven't seen them at all in the Safeway remodels.)


  1. I agree that the Lifestyle decor made this part of the store have a lot more visual appeal. The Modern decor doesn't look bad here even if it makes things look rather plain. Still, the Lifestyle design looked a lot more appealing. It grabbed your attention and almost made you reconsider your lunch and dinner plans, lol. The Modern decor here does not really do that.


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