Opening the curtains on mannequin-land

Clearly I didn't see much of interest on the first floor on this visit, as I jumped straight to the far corner, which had been converted into a massive mannequin sales area. Seriously, how many mannequins can a store have? And it looks like most of these aren't even the ones that were there the week before, as those were mostly torso ones and these are almost all full-body mannequins! I have to imagine they were shipping in old mannequins from other stores, since this would be an insane amount otherwise.


  1. Are my eyes deceiving me or do some of the mannequins on the right have ram horns coming out of their heads? Lol.

    I think it's appropriate that there is a "Nothing Held Back" sign right behind all these undressed mannequins!

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure what that was supposed to be, but there's certainly something going on there! Fashion people are weird 😉


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