Lone zebra

Even the stock over in the Last Act permanent-clearance department was running seriously low at this point. Unsurprisingly, the dregs of the double clearance were mostly things that no one in their right mind would want to buy, such as the zebra(?)-print sweater on the right. My dad has a sweatshirt from the 80s that looks awfully similar to that, which he only brings out when he needs to wear something deliberately ugly... 😃


  1. The zebra-striped sweatshirt your dad has is probably a Zubaz shirt. Zubaz was all the rage around 1990-1992, lol. It started out as sweatpants, but the design was put on just about everything. When I watch highlights of my favorite football team, the New York Giants, winning Super Bowl XXV (in Tampa if AFB is reading this!) in 1991, I always get a laugh out of seeing so many people wearing Zubaz on the sidelines, lol.


    1. Huh, I've never even heard of Zubaz! I think his sweatshirt is a bit too old for that, though -- he says it's from when he was in college, which would have been the early 80s.


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