Bull in a china shop

Even the dishware section was busy, despite having a substantially lower discount than most of the store! I'm really not sure why people would buy bland white dishes like the ones that dominate this picture, but apparently they were fairly popular. I suppose it's technically a bit classier than my shades of blue Fiestaware, but I'd go for fun over classy aesthetics any day!


  1. I have some plain white very early 2000s shatterproof Martha Stewart plates from Kmart. They probably aren't very classy as they are from Kmart after all, lol, but the fact that they're shatterproof means I can have fun with them!

    It probably goes without saying that I do have some nicer plates than those Kmart ones, but are those even worth mentioning since they aren't from Kmart?! Lol.

  2. I have some plain white dishware from Walmart for my college apartment, and my roommate a few years back had similar ones expert they were Amazon brand (which is how I first learned that was even a thing!) I'm not usually one to get rid of things that still have utility to them, but I am getting new dishware for my new apartment soon. And in typical fashion... it's my mom's old ones, so she can get new ones XD

  3. Well, I guess I'm the weird one then! Oh well, I'm happy with that 😃

    Shatterproof dishes must be nice! Mine must be relatively durable, as I haven't managed to break them yet (and I'm good at breaking things!), but I'm still always a bit worried about them.

    I suppose cheap white dishware is a different thing than the expensive white dishware that this store had, but still, not my preference... And I never knew Amazon had their own brand of dishes! I thought their own-brand stuff was mostly electronics-related, but I guess not. I don't follow Amazon very much -- I find tech companies boring, and I don't particularly like shopping on Amazon because they just have too much stuff at this point and it's frustrating to try to find something good from them.

  4. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I'd much rather have something that's not quite so plain! Just figured something cheap would do for college...

    1. And don't get me wrong -- I get buying cheap stuff! A lot of the stuff I used in college was from Dollar Tree, and the rest was old stuff my grandparents were getting rid of.

    2. Dollar Tree is the best 😄

    3. That it is! That and Big Lots are the stores I really wish I had in my neighborhood (though Big Lots isn't anywhere near as good as it used to be).

    4. Yeah, having a Dollar Tree nearby is nice. I agree about Big Lots though, they aren't as fun anymore.


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